Monday, February 21, 2011



Ok yall, heres the info I got from ddub about tally.

"1) I need your info. Team Name, Player Names/Cities. let me know if you already have a place to stay, otherwise I'll be finding a place for you to stay!
2) 35$ per team goes to supporting Krank It Up, Tallahassee's all volunteer run, all donation based community bike shop (one of the oldest there is!)
paypal it to me @ by midnight on thursday!
3) rules : we will be using the 2011 edition of the NAH rules;
here's the exceptions:
exception a--> don't be a dick.
exception b--> there will be no sudden death or rejoust. games are to 12 minutes or 5 goals. if the game is tied when time runs out, we are going to dump a whole bunch of balls in the court and you'll get as many in as you can in 2 minutes.

I will be especially diligent about penalties for come-from-behind bike-on-bike and for intentional crashing.
4) brackets - I'll post initial round brackets at the beginning of the week. they will be more straightforward than swiss rounds.
5) violence/drugs/alcohol/graffiti will not be tolerated at the court. This is our home court, and the university lets us play there without hassling us. don't get us thrown out of our polo court! go do that stuff down the street!
that's everything I can think of right now. the original idea was to make this tournament really bare bones and low stress for us. I don't think we've strayed too far from that, so there aren't going to be a lot of prizes or hoopla. but there will be a lot of fun!!!"

We have 3 teams reserved at this point

There are only 2 spots left in the whole turney so if you others (Ben, Kiefer) are planning on playing you need to find a third and talk to me ASAP.
We need to pay ddub by Thursday. I'll register the teams all at once ($115) if everyone can have the cash (~$12/person) on Wednesday night. Sorry, i'm not spotting anyone, have $$$ and show up!
Finally, people in my car (Liz/Todd/Porch), be ready to leave ~2pm on Friday. Tally is 240 miles.
Das it. See ya'll tomorrow night!